New Magazine Cover
The New Herald of Hope Magazine Cover The new magazine cover of HoH is out. New look but still the same organization and team dedicated to proclaiming Bible prophecy as related to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the message of revival as it concerns the...
We are now on Instagram!
We are now on Instagram! But just the same you can still follow us on our website, Vimeo, YouTube and Facebook. The Herald of Hope Magazine The Herald of Hope The Herald of Hope We encourage you to stay up to date and keep an eye on our future posts! The Herald of...
The Glory of God: The Prophecies of Ezekiel Explained
A new publication is up for grabs in The Herald of Hope website. The publication is now available for perusal – both in digital versions and physical versions. Check out the publication below: The...
Prophecy Conference Replay 2021
Last August 8th we had our first conference since the pandemic. Run from Northside Baptist Church in Adelaide, it was also the first conference live streamed. Hopefully you were able to join us for some, or all, of the sessions. But if not, don't worry - you can watch...
The Real Story of Esther
A new publication is up for grabs in The Herald of Hope website. The publication is now available for perusal – both in digital versions and physical versions. Check out the publication below: The Real...
New Publications Available!
Two new publications are up for grabs in The Herald of Hope website. The publications are now available for perusal - both in digital versions and physical versions. Check out the two publications below: Versions: Manuscripts...
The Rapture Tract 2020
The Herald of Hope has released a new tract by Vince Wall in their latest December magazine. The tract is designed to inform non Christians about the coming RAPTURE. The tract is now available to be sent out to Churches and individuals who may wish to warn others of...
Vince Wall has produced this short ink drop film on the life of Jesus Christ. At Christmas time many people throughout the world remember that God the Father sent His Son to this earth in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is our Emmanuel (God With Us) who came to die...
Recently Former Catholic Vince Wall spoke about his conversion to Christianity and Martin Luther’s legacy
In the 1500’s there were numbers of people that began to escape from the false doctrines of Roman Catholicism. From 600 AD to 1517 the dominant Church in Christendom was the Roman Catholic Church. In the 1500’s Martin Luther, discovered justification by faith in...
Free Coronavirus Tracts Available for Outreach in Australia
We are living in uncertain days and many people are desperate for some answers. We at the Herald of Hope believe that the Bible has the answer for every crisis. Recently the Herald of Hope has produced a tract about the Coronavirus. This tract is designed to hand out...
Five Responses to the Coronavirus
The video below is of Herald of Hope committee member, Vince Wall, speaking at the Newcastle Baptist Tabernacle. There are many reactions to the Coronavirus and in this message Vince Wall speaks about various responses that we are seeing throughout the world. Listen...
2020 Southern Cross Baptist Church Prophecy Conference
The Herald of Hope is pleased to make available to you the videos from the four sessions at the 2020 Southern Cross Baptist Church Prophecy Conference. These videos can be played directly from this post. We've also extracted the audio files for those who may prefer to...
A Far Worse Pandemic
At the time of writing there has sadly been 102 deaths in Australia due to the Coronavirus. NSW has had the most deaths with 48 people dying, whilst the Northern Territory has had no fatalities from the disease. The Corona Virus had reached Australia on January 25th...
2017 Second Coming Convention Audio & Video
The Herald of Hope is pleased to make available to you the videos from the five sessions at the 2017 Second Coming Convention. These videos can be played directly from this post. We've also extracted the audio files for those who may prefer to download those.Session 1...
2018 Newcastle Conference Audio & Video
The Herald of Hope is pleased to make available to you the videos from the four sessions at the 2018 Newcastle Bible Prophecy Conference. These videos can be played directly from this post. We've also extracted the audio files for those who may prefer to download...
2017 Springwood Bible Prophecy Conference Audio & Video
The Herald of Hope is pleased to make available to you the videos from the six sessions at the 2017 Springwood Bible Prophecy Conference. These videos can be played directly from this post. We've also extracted the audio files for those who may prefer to download...
New Conferences for 2019
We have very recently booked 2 more last minute conferences for 2019. If you've missed out this year, here's your chance! Bethel Bible Baptist Church (Ingleburn, NSW) - 1-3 November Westside Baptist Church (Deer Park, VIC) - 22-24 November Click below for more details...
De eternidad a eternidad – Eternity to Eternity Spanish Resources
Spanish version of Eternity to Eternity available, as well as Spanish versions of all prophecy charts and graphics.
2018 Springwood Bible Prophecy Conference Audio & Video
The Herald of Hope is pleased to make available to you the videos from five of the sessions at the 2018 Springwood Bible Prophecy Conference. These videos can be played directly from this post.
We’ve also extracted the audio files for those who may prefer to download those.
August Edition Out Now – With Free Tracts
The 2019 August Edition is out now and has been arriving at mailboxes around the world. As with all our magazines, this edition contains 36 pages of sound exposition by competent Bible teachers. The August Edition was also sent out with a copy of 3 of Herald of Hope's...
New Study Booklet: Israel
Out now is Israel, book number 4 in the Prophecy Study Series. Here's what John R Ecob DD, author of this book has to say about it: Any honest Milliennialist dare not read this book. If he does, he will not longer believe the Amillenial lie. Packed full of hard...