Publications in English
A series of tracts and books have been published covering all aspects of Bible Prophecy. They are:
1) The Book Eternity to Eternity which has 82 pages of charts and maps illustrating Bible History and
Prophecy from Genesis to Revelation and is an invaluable aid to serious Bible study.
2) The Bible Prophecy series consists of seven books that cover all the major elements of Prophecy
3) Other publications expound individual Books of the Bible or expose prevalent errors.
4) Gospel Tracts clearly present the Gospel of the Grace of God for the unsaved
All publications may be downloaded freely and free English editions are available in Australia in hard copy.
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Eternity to Eternity (8th edition)
The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is illustrated and explained in 82 coloured charts and maps. Keep this book next to your Bible when doing serious Bible study. history and prophecy simplified.
Gospel Tracts and Books
Herald of Hope tracts and books are AVAILABLE FREE and come with a clear Gospel message. Tracts are attractive and sized to easily fit in your pocket so that you will always have a message to give to others.