Leila James was born in 1929. At the age of four Leila was taken by her parents to the Barcaldine Railway Station in outback Queensland. Her mother got on the train and her father left Leila on the station platform but unfortunately that was the last time she ever saw her parents. For whatever reason Leila had been abandoned.
The next day Leila was found by the Station Master and was taken to a Catholic Children’s Home. As an Orphan Leila endured years of abuse and was physically and spiritually wounded by those that should have cared for her. When Leila became an adult she could not find peace until she made a discovery that changed her life.
Leila discovered that God loved her and that through faith in Jesus Christ she could find both peace and healing. Leila says “My faith and trust in our Saviour Jesus Christ has grown each day…by His grace alone I stupendous have been given faith, an unstressed life, freedom of my soul and mind and the knowledge that I am loved by Jesus…”
Leila’s desire is that others find the peace, hope and salvation available through Jesus Christ and therefore Leila has allowed the Herald of Hope to produce a tract about her life. Leila’s story can be viewed here: www.heraldofhope.org.au/free-resources/tracts.
Herald of Hope freely prints and supplies Leila’s story so you too can reach others with the Gospel. Why not letterbox your area so that others can find true freedom and salvation in Jesus Christ?
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