

DISPENSATIONALISTS teach that  God’s administration of mankind  changed at various periods of time  since the world began: that there are  seven dispensations and that before  Jesus died and rose again the world  was administered by God through the  nation of Israel...

Count Zinzendorf and the Moravian Revival

COUNT ZINZENDORF was born on  the 26th. May, 1700 in Dresden and  was descended from one of the most  ancient noble families of the Archduchy  of Austria. His father and Zinzendorf  was brought up by his grandmother,  Henrietta Catherine von Gersdorf on  her estate of...

When will Russia invade Israel?

THERE IS no doubt that Russia is to invade Israel in the Last Days and that she will do this in association with four  Muslim countries actually named in  Ezekiel chapter 38.  But there is some confusion among some Bible teachers as to when this invasion will occur....

The Temple in Heaven

WHEN MOSES built the Tabernacle  in the wilderness and Solomon built  the Temple on Mount Zion it was  designed as a replica of a Temple  existing in heaven. Nothing was left  for men to design. Every aspect was  given to his servants.   The Pattern of the Tabernacle ...

Is Christ’s Second Advent Imminent?

What do we mean by the Lord’s return being imminent? Is the return of Christ  imminent? Could it happen at any time?  Scoffers have noted that those who preached the imminence of Christ’s return  50 years ago have died. They therefore conclude that it is wrong to say...


MASADA was located on a plateau that  rose 1,300 feet above the Dead Sea and  was located on the west side of it. Here  between 37BC and 31BC Herod the  Great built two palaces and many store  houses, military barracks, an armoury  and underground water storages. ...