

Back to Poems ← Where Will You Be? LIFE IN THE TRIBULATION Paul Johnson The Rapture’s past, the Church has gone, and I  am left behind,  I should have listened to God’s Word eternal life  to find.  But still there’s hope if I will seek God’s mercy  and His love, ...

Where Will You Be?

Back to Poems Where Will You Be? Paul Johnson Where will you be, and will you be thereWhen the Lord calls his own, to meet in the air?The Lord Himself, will descend with a shout,The Archangel’s voice, will be heard all about.The trump of God will also be thereHeard...

One Taken and the Other Left

Back to Poems ← Grace, Grace! Where Will You Be? → One Taken and the Other Left   John Ecob One taken and the other left,Two souls in bed and still fast asleep.One taken and another left,Two in the field out minding the sheep.One taken and the other left,Two...

Grace, Grace!

Back to Poems ← WATCH! One Taken and the Other Left → Grace, Grace! John Ecob “…he shall bring forth the headstone thereof withshouting, crying, Grace, grace unto it.” (Zechariah 4:7) Grace brings God’s mercy we do not deserve,It unleashes God’s love...


Back to Poems ← Heartache Grace, Grace! → WATCH! John Ecob “And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately” (Luke 12:36). Just watch and...


Back to Poems ← My Hope WATCH! → Heartache “…put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?” (Ps.56:8) Oh my heart, is longing for tomorrow, Just to be, with those who’ve gone before. Since they went, my heart is filled with sorrow, And I...