New Tract: Abandoned, Tortured but … Redeemed

Abandoned, Tortured But Redeemed, is a new tract written by Vince Wall. This tract begins with the true story of Leila James, who at just 4 years of age, was abandoned on a Queensland railway station by her parents. After seeking shelter for the night under a railway...

Reformed Theology: A Faulty Flower

Calvinism is a belief system that has its roots in the theology of Augustine who was Bishop of Hippo in Northern Africa from 395 to 430. According to The Church in History by B. K. Kuiper, Augustine’s teachings largely dominated the Roman Catholic Church of the Middle...

Was Gabriel Premillennial?

At Christmas time pastors often turn to Luke Chapter 1 for their Christmas sermon. In Luke chapter 1 we read that the angel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to the “Son of the Highest” who would be named JESUS (Luke 1:26-31)....