Is it the Coming or the Canon?

Is it the Coming or the Canon? is also available as a PDF Download 166.84 KB 88 downloads “When that which is perfect is come…” Is it the Coming or the Canon? John Farr Question In 1 Corinthians 13:10, we read that knowledge and prophecy are done away when “that...

How Long was Israel in Egypt?

How Long was Israel in Egypt? is also available as a PDF Download 128.42 KB 113 downloads Question Some people say that Israel was 430 years in the land of Egypt and others say it was 215 years. Why the difference? Answer When the children of Israel came out of Egypt...

Should Christian’s Drink Alcohol?

Should Christians Drink Alcohol? is also available as a PDF Download 132.46 KB 103 downloads Question Some Church members have no conscience about drinking intoxicating liquor. Is total abstinence Biblical or is social drinking permissible? Answer Our rule of conduct...

Old Age Deficiency

It’s about time authorities did something about older drivers on our roads. For far too long older drivers have caused havoc as they hog the left lane, stick to speed limits (even the road work limits) and stop at stop signs, causing great inconvenience and often...