The Old Old Story Retold

Back to Poems ← Robes of Righteousness The Trump of God → The Old Old Story Retold A. Catherine Hankey Part 1 – The Story Wanted Tell me the old, old story Of unseen things above Of Jesus and His Glory Of Jesus and His Love Tell me the Story simply As to a...

Robes of Righteousness

Back to Poems ← Your Heavenly Father Knows The Old Old Story Retold → Robes of Righteousness John R Ecob St Vincent de Paul can have them all; The clothes left lying just where they fall. But the saints will be clothed in garments white, As they enter their...

Your Heavenly Father Knows

Back to Poems ← Road to Armageddon Robes of Righteousness → Your Heavenly Father Knows Author unknown “Take therefore no thought for the morrow…” (Matthew 6:34). I have nothing to do with tomorrow, My Saviour will make that His care; Should it be...

What’s Wrong with Whaling?

What’s Wrong with Whaling? is also available as a PDF Download 113.60 KB 3232 downloads Originally Published in The Herald of Hope Magazine, October 2013 The International Court in the Hague has heard charges brought against Japan for whaling in the Antarctic oceans...