Which Generation?

Which Generation? is also available as a PDF Download 136.10 KB 276 downloads by John R Ecob DD Matthew 24:33-34 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it [the Second Advent] is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation...

Four Bad Women Blessed

Four Bad Women Blessed is also available as a PDF Download 138.21 KB 5543 downloads The Roman Catholic Church maintains that Mary was sinless, that she is the mother of God, and that she ascended to heaven and now intercedes with Christ on behalf of all who pray to...

When Will Christ Return?

When will Christ return? is also available as a PDF Download 21.04 KB 170 downloads Question When will Christ return? Answer Predictions of the time of Christ’s return have been made by various cults and each prediction has proven wrong. The Seventh Day Adventist...

Where Did Enoch & Elijah Go?

Where Did Enoch & Elijah Go? is also available as a PDF Download 98.16 KB 6981 downloads We are all familiar with signs located at Police Stations listing missing persons. Someone suddenly disappeared on the way home from a Club or a child that has mysteriously...