Dams that Can Dry Up the Nile

Dams That Can Dry Up The Nile is also available as a PDF Download 189.93 KB 3730 downloads Few people would appreciate the magnitude of the Aswam Dam which holds back the waters of the mighty Nile River at Egypt’s southern border. First, we must have some knowledge of...

Will Babylon be Rebuilt?

Will Babylon be Rebuilt? is also available as a PDF Download 21.09 KB 0 downloads Question Some Bible commentators maintain that the city of Babylon will be rebuilt in the last days and become the world capital under Antichrist. This has been linked to a claim that...

Are there Apostles Today?

Are There Apostles Today? is also available as a PDF Download 16.51 KB 326 downloads Question Some claim to be apostles and prophets. Are they right? Answer The word Apostle comes from a Greek word meaning “to send with a commission”, and an Apostle of Jesus Christ...