The Right Path

By John R. Ecob D.D. This world is a dark place and in the darkness many lose their way. The number of paths one may follow make life a confusing maze. In our tender years we are safe under the care of loving parents who guide our footsteps but when we reach the age...

Who Was Barabbas?

By John R. Ecob D.D. We would never have known who Barabbas was if Pilate had not given the Jews the opportunity the crucify him instead of Jesus. Pilate was the typical politician. He found no fault in Jesus but wanted peace at any price and tried to placate the...

The Real Story of Esther

A new publication is up for grabs in The Herald of Hope website. The publication is now available for perusal – both in digital versions and physical versions. Check out the publication below:     3.20 MB 38...

Olive Press or Wine Press

By: John Ecob All the circumstances surrounding the death of the Lord Jesus were controlled by God. God chose the place of His Son’s death on “one of the mountains…in the land of Moriah” (Genesis 22:2). He chose crucifixion so that “they pierced His hands and...