The Peril of Spiritualizing Scripture

John Ecob  WHEN WE READ a book we endeavour  to understand what the author intended  by the words he uses and the manner  in which he expresses them. In this way we learn the message the author  sought to convey. Words are the  vehicles for thoughts just as numbers ...

The Mark of the Beast

THE SCRIPTURE STATES that the mark of the Beast is “the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six” (Rev.13:18) or 666.  The mark of the Beast will not occur until the mid-point of the seven-year  Tribulation and those who receive the mark do so...

What Happened at Calvary?

John Ecob  “And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left” (Luke 23:33).  The last supper finished and Jesus took His disciples across the brook Kidron to...

“In That Day…”

John Ecob THE EXPRESSION “In that day” occurs 100 times in the Old Testament and 42 of these are in the prophecy of Isaiah. They convey detailed prophecies of a special future event described in the context. The first three are in Isaiah chapter 2 where Isaiah...