Israel’s Triumph in the Tribulation

DURING THE TRIBULATION when the  nations are seeking to wipe the Jews off  the face of the earth we find Scripture  states that the Jewish believers will  be anything but depressed. We might  expect that their suffering would drive  them to dispair but on the...

Israel’s Amazing Restoration

IN AD70 the nation of Israel ceased to exist and the Jews were scattered among the nations and for almost 1,900 years Jews have amazingly survived and maintained their national identity. Today they exist as a nation in spite of centuries of Antisemitism. On 12...

Thy Temple at Jerusalem

by John R Ecob DD “Because of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee” (Ps.68:29). PSALM 68 IS A PSALM OF DAVID to whom God gave the design of the Temple that was built by his son Solomon and he said that the Temple would be the means by which...

The Lord’s Final Testimony to Israel

by John R Ecob DD The Lord’s final ministry to His disciples before He went to the cross is recorded in John’s Gospel chapters 12 to 17. Jesus was preparing them for the traumatic experience that lay ahead and for the new Covenant under which they would serve and see...