New Government

by John R Ecob DD Elderly people reminisce of their younger days and the conditions under which they lived. Those who were too young to go to WWII recall the days of youth and the happy occasions enjoyed while growing up. Apart from the Cold War, the Korean War and...

How Soon Will the Rapture Be

Only the Father knows the time when Christ will return (Mark 13:32). But Jesus said we were to watch for His coming that could be at any time. Jesus gave His Jewish disciples signs of His coming to reign and indicated it would be “immediately after the tribulation of...

My Lord Delayeth His Coming!

by John R Ecob DD What prophesied events must happen before the Rapture? Nothing! But that is not what one writer claims. Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum in his book “The Footsteps of the Messiah” claims there are 10 events that must precede the Tribulation. If this is the...

The Last of the Giants

by John R Ecob DD We are first introduced to giants in the Bible at the time of the Flood where we read: When men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they...