When Will Israel be Saved?

by John R Ecob DD Ask a Bible prophecy preacher, When will Israel turn to Jesus Christ and you will often receive the answer, “When Israel sees Christ returning at His second advent.” When you ask for scriptural authority they will quote Zechariah 12:9-10: And it...

Named or Numbered?

The next major world event will be the RAPTURE of the Church. The Rapture is the removal from earth to Heaven of every believer in Jesus Christ before the coming Tribulation Period. In Heaven’s glory every one of God’s people will be known by name. Jesus told His...

The Rapture

We are now living in times that are growing more and more like the days of Noah (Genesis 6:5). Wickedness, violence, unspeakable depravity and murder abound in today’s society. In Noah’s day God poured out His judgement on a depraved world, but a way of escape was...