Was Gabriel Premillennial?

At Christmas time pastors often turn to Luke Chapter 1 for their Christmas sermon. In Luke chapter 1 we read that the angel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to the “Son of the Highest” who would be named JESUS (Luke 1:26-31)....

God’s Perspective on Time.

by Pastor Buddy Smith We are often slaves to the clock, rushing here and there, fretting if we are late for an appointment, planning to get a week’s work done in a day. And setting no time aside for devotions. The director of a large prison ministry told the following...

2019 Prophecy Conferences

We are pleased to be able to announce upcoming dates for several conferences in 2019.  More dates & details are to come, so stay tuned! Updated 8 April 2019   Location Dates Speakers Contact South Australia April 12-14 Peter Jackson & Eric Rees Ps Benton...