After the Rapture

Back to Poems I Refuse to be Discouraged → After the Rapture John R Ecob Behold a door is opened wide And a voice is heard like an ocean tide, It sounds like a trumpet talking with me, Calling me upward, forever to be. In an instant, so quickly, the Church will...

God and Demons

God and Demons is also available as a PDF Download 129.84 KB 3073 downloads by John R Ecob DD There are a number of instances in Scripture where we read that God directed evil spirits and it raises the whole question of the relationship of God and Satan in the unseen...

Coping with Criticism

Coping with Criticism is also available as a PDF Download 90.05 KB 2661 downloads Author Unknown One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old...