Where Satan’s Throne Is

Where Satan's Throne Is is also available as a PDF Download 286.95 KB 10241 downloads by John Ecob In the time of Isaiah (780-690BC approx.) the dominant powers were Egypt and Assyria. Babylon and the area of Chaldea were part of the Assyrian Empire yet thirteen times...

Is Francis the Last Pope?

Is Francis the Last Pope? is also available as a PDF Download 115.37 KB 229 downloads by John R Ecob DD There has been much speculation as to whether Pope Francis will be the last Pope. We constantly hear the matter raised and reference is made to prophecies of an...

God’s Prophetic Plan

God's Prophetic Plan is also available as a PDF Download 1.79 MB 7273 downloads Bible prophecy deals with three classes of People: the Jew; the Gentile; and the Church of God. To Abraham, the father of the Jewish people, and to his descendants after him, God gave all...