Proverbs: The Liberal Man

Proverbs: The Liberal Man is also available as a PDF Download 89.40 KB 187 downloads by Ray Ewers     Proverbs 11:24-25 There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty Proverbs 15:23...

Proverbs: The Hopeful Man

Proverbs: The Hopeful Man is also available as a PDF Download 84.62 KB 2755 downloads by Ray Ewers In these last days we are being exposed to global issues that affect the lives of us all. As the unbeliever faces physical upheavals, economic downturn, terrorist...

Cremation or Burial?

Cremation or Burial is also available as a PDF Download 729.43 KB 3290 downloads by John R Ecob DD Should a Christian allow their body to be cremated or should they insist on  burial? What others do must never be the sole guide to what we do. Each believer is...