Israel’s Amazing Restoration

IN AD70 the nation of Israel ceased to exist and the Jews were scattered among the nations and for almost 1,900 years Jews have amazingly survived and maintained their national identity. Today they exist as a nation in spite of centuries of Antisemitism. On 12...

Thy Temple at Jerusalem

by John R Ecob DD “Because of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee” (Ps.68:29). PSALM 68 IS A PSALM OF DAVID to whom God gave the design of the Temple that was built by his son Solomon and he said that the Temple would be the means by which...

Who Was David’s Mother?

by John R Ecob DD What did David mean when he said in his great prayer of confession that “in sin did my mother conceive me”? If you ask the Catholic he may say that it refers to the doctrine of original sin: that every one of us has original sin such that we bear the...

Only One Correct Interpretation

When it comes to Biblical interpretation there can only be one correct interpretation. There may be many applications but only one interpretation. A common view held by theologically trained people is that everybody is entitled to their own view and one view can be...