
My Hope

Back to Poems ← My Lord May Come Today Heartache → My Hope Author Unknown Jesus is coming! It could be today, .. It could be tomorrow, but surely one day. The hope of His coming is blessed to me, I long for the day when His face I shall see. When weary with...

My Lord May Come Today

Back to Poems ← Man in the Glory My Hope → My Lord May Come Today (This poem was written by Ethel Wynn concerning the late Mr Albert John Woodward of Tasmania, whose godly life inspired her to pen the following verses. It is a personal testimony to the...

Man in the Glory

Back to Poems ← Look on the Fields My Lord May Come Today → Man in the Glory (This poem, very slightly modified, was sent by Bill Bishop of Christchurch NZ. He writes, “I have sent this poem which I have framed in my shed. It was given to me by an aged...

Look on the Fields

Back to Poems ← Our Blessed Hope Man in the Glory → Look on the Fields Paul Veitch Look upon the fields to harvest; Labourers are few. Think, my friend, will you go forward. Is God calling you? Thousands dying every moment; Lost eternally While the Saviour...

Our Blessed Hope

Back to Poems ← Pass It On! Look on the Fields → Our Blessed Hope Maurice Dyson “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep…” (1 Cor. 15:51) If we believe that Jesus died, And from the grave arose, So God will bring along with Him Those loved...

Pass It On!

Back to Poems ← Have You Thought About Your Soul? Our Blessed Hope → Pass It On! Author Unknown When the Lord has given blessing By a tract or little book, Do not leave it idly lying In some soon forgotten nook. THERE ARE OTHERS to be watered Lost and hungry...