by evangelist Gypsie Smith
I once stayed with a dear old couple who knew Billy Bray and they told me this story about him:
His clothes were getting very shabby at one period, and he had no money to buy more.
Everybody who knew him thought he wore “beautiful garments,” because they loved him. He was a poem, a sonnet, dedicated to His Lord.
One day when he was preaching in Cornwall a strange lady, a widow, saw and heard him. She remembered that she possessed a wardrobe full of her late husband’s clothes, and at the close of the service she said, “‘Billy, I should like to give you a suit of clothes, yours are shabby!”
“Yes,” replied Billy. “They are because I have worn them out.”
“I should like you to have them,” said the lady doubtfully, “but I am not certain they would fit you.”
“Did the Lord tell you to offer them to me?” asked Billy.
“I am sure He did,” the lady replied.
“Then I am sure they will fit, because He knows my size exactly,” was Billy’s prompt reply.