
Mary Wiley

“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that
hath not the Son of God hath not life.”
I John 5:12

“How dreadful to think all is well,
And then at last to end in hell!”
This is the thought that troubled me
And made me wonder…could it be?

Thus God in love my conscience stirred
And made me tremble by His Word;
With fearful thought that there might be
A hell instead of heaven for me.

How this deceitful heart did try
All thoughts of danger to deny:
But God in mercy did not cease
To work to rid me of false peace.

I knew my heart renewed must be,
For it was ‘for all eternity’;
Until, at last, the battle won,
I knew I did not have the Son.

Not ‘til then was my heart set free
To turn full gaze on Calvary –
Now how I thank my blessed Lord,
I have assurance through His Word.