
DISPENSATIONALISTS teach that  God’s administration of mankind  changed at various periods of time  since the world began: that there are  seven dispensations and that before  Jesus died and rose again the world  was administered by God through the  nation of Israel in the Age of Law which  began when Israel came out of Egypt  about 1500BC. Jesus ministered at the  end of the Age of Law. 

After Christ came God appointed  secular governments to rule kingdoms  and the Church, consisting of believing  Jews and Gentiles, was entrusted with  the Gospel; the message of salvation. 

Each Dispensation concluded with the  failure of mankind to respond positively  to God’s administration. 

A change in God’s administration took  place two thousand years ago when  the Jews rejected Jesus as Messiah  and King; God introduced a new  dispensation which we call the Church  Age in which Israel ceased to be the  channel through which God dealt with  the world. He began a new work  through a company of people drawn  from all nations who believe on the  Lord Jesus Christ. 

The Bible teaches that this Church Age  will conclude in failure and we can see  evidence of this everywhere. Many  churches don’t even believe the Bible  and many strange cults propagate  gross error. 

The Bible teaches that the final  Dispensation will occur after the Lord  returns and that He will reign for 1,000  years from Jerusalem but before that  occurs there will be seven years of  Great Tribulation during which Israel  will repent and acknowlege Jesus  Christ as her Saviour and King. 

The Apostle Paul described this in  Romans chapter 11. He likened Israel to  the natural branch of the olive tree and  the Gentiles as a “wild olive branch”

The natural branch was plucked off  and the wild olive branch grafted into  the olive tree. In the last days however  the wild olive branch will be plucked  off and the natural olive branch grafted  back into the olive tree when “the  fulness of the Gentiles” has come in i.e.  the Church is complete. 

The “fulness of the Gentiles” triggers  the removal of the true believers who  make up the Church of Jesus Christ  before the Tribulation and we call that  the Rapture. Twice Jesus told the Jews  that the removal of the Christians would  be a sign to them that the end of the  age had come. In Luke 17 and Matthew  24 Jesus said that there would be a  global disappearance of people from  all walks of life: He said, “one shall be  taken and the other left.”  

The purpose of the seven years of  Tribulation is to judge the Gentile  nations and to bring Israel to  repentance. Early in the Tribulation, at  the time of the Russian/Islamic invasion  of Israel the remnant repents of the sin  of rejecting Christ as Messiah, Saviour  and King. 

The Church age was not revealed in  the Old Testament and Paul states that  the Church was a mystery which  “in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now  revealed unto his holy apostles  and prophets by the Spirit; That the  Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and  of the same body(Eph.3:5-6). 

In the Age of Law the God of Israel was  worshipped as the only true and living  God. Other nations worshipped their  gods that were idols. When a Gentile  turned from idolatry to the Lord they left  their nation and became a “stranger in  Israel” and enjoyed the same covenant  blessings as the Jewish people  (Exod.12:49). 

God always intended to establish the  Kingdom of God on earth and that  Christ would reign over all nations.  Israel would have an administrative  role in the Kingdom of God and lead  the kingdom of God from Jerusalem  which is a place specially chosen by  God (Deut.12:5,11,14,18,26). 

The nation of Israel was therefore  identified as God’s people though not  every individual Jew had a personal  relationship with God. God had a  covenant relationship with the nation  which made it possible for individuals  to have a personal relationship with  Himself. Within the nation there were  believing Jews and unbelieving Jews. 

Personal salvation is a personal  relationship with God. No Jew will go  to heaven simply because he or she  belongs to the privileged nation of  Israel. 

In Jesus’ day many Jews had adopted  formalism and practised the traditions  of men as a religion without personal  faith in the Living God. The Church Age  was a change in God’s administration  until the nation repented; God  established the Church from all nations  to do what Israel as a nation should  

have done. The nation of Israel would  be chastened and scattered among  the Gentiles until they repented but  the prophets foretold a future time  when God would bring the Jews back  to the land and then He would send  Russia and Islamic nations into Israel  to cause them to seek the Lord in true  repentance. 

At the end of the Age of Law, God  sent John the Baptist to call Israel  to genuine faith and obedience. He  preached that the Kingdom of God was  at hand because the King was about to  appear. When Jesus appeared John  declared that He was the “Lamb of  God that taketh away the sins of the  world” (John 1:29). Jesus also called  Israel to repentance and told them that  the Kingdom of God was “at hand” (Matt.4:17) because the King was in  their midst. 

For about 2 or 3 years Jesus preached  and on Palm Sunday he officially  presented Himself as “Messiah the  Prince” to the nation at Jerusalem in  fulfilment of the prophecy of Zechariah  9:9 and Daniel 9:25: 

“Behold, thy King cometh unto thee,  meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a  colt the foal of an ass” (Matt.21:5). 

Having rejected their King, Israel  temporarily lost the kingdom and when  Jesus rose from the grave he told the  disciples to remain in Jerusalem until  the day of Pentecost when the Holy  Spirit would come and establish the  dispensation of the Church. 

The Church Age Established 

Jesus knew that the Jews would reject  Him and the kingdom was deferred.  He described true believers in His day  as “His sheep” in John chapter 10 and  went on to say:  

Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring,  and they shall hear my voice; and  there shall be one fold, and one  shepherd(John 10:16). 

The Church Age Established

The “other sheep” were other than  believing Jews i.e. they would be  believing Gentiles and when Jesus  brought those there would only be  “one fold” (literally “one flock”), the  Church. 

The “fold” of Israel into which Gentiles  came when they turned from their  idols would cease to be the “fold” and  there would be a “flock” secure with  the Good Shepherd. That flock would  would be comprised of believing Jews  and Gentiles in one body; the Church,  as Paul stated in Galatians 3:26-28: 

“For ye are all (Jew and Gentile) the  children of God by faith in Christ  Jesus. …. There is neither Jew nor  Greek (Gentile) for ye are all one  in Christ Jesus”. 

Jesus clearly indicated that there  was going to be a new dispensation  beyond the “fold” of the nation of  Israel no longer protected by national  covenants but a new “flock” led by  One Person: the Good Shepherd. 

Old Testament Saints Became New  Testament Saints 

The change from the dispensation  of Law to the Dispensation of the  Church was a period of transition. Old  Testament saints who were alive at the  time bevcame New testament saints.  In John 17 Jesus prayed for those who  under the old order had believed.  Old Testament saints belonged to  the Father. They could not believe  on Christ before He came therefore  the Father gave those Old Testament  saints to Christ because under the new  dispensation of the Church age all true  believers “belong to Christ” (Mark 9:41). 

Referring to those who believed on Him  while He was on earth He said: “I have manifested thy name unto  the men which thou gavest me out of  the world: thine they were, and thou  gavest them me; and they have kept  thy word” (John 17:6). 

After Jesus returned to heaven these  saints who were given to Christ would  preach the Gospel and Jesus prayed  for those who would believe through  their preaching: 

“Neither pray I for these alone, but  for them also which shall believe on  me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art  in me, and I in thee, that they also  may be one in us: that the world may  believe that thou hast sent me” (John  17:20-21). 

This verse has been wrongly used  by the ecumenical movement to  support the union of all the apostate  denominations but it has nothing to  do with the ecumenism. Jesus was  speaking of the new Church Age in  which Jew and Gentile, Old Testament  saint and new Testament saint, would  be joined in one Body in the Church. 

Under the Old Testament there was a  distinction between Jews and Gentiles  in the nation of Israel. Gentiles were  defined as “strangers” in Israel but  in the new Church Age dispensation  there is “neither Jew nor Greek” but “all  one in Christ Jesus”. 

A New Covenant 

In Jeremiah’s prophecy Israel is  promised a New Covenant (Jer.31:31- 34) when they repent and turn to the  Lord in the last days. Before Jesus  went to the cross; at the Last Supper,  He took wine and said: 

“This is my blood of the new testament (covenant), which is shed  for many. Verily I say unto you, I will  drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the  kingdom of God” (Mark 14:24-25). 

Old Testament saints were saved  under the Old Covenant made with  the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai.  Animal sacrifices were prescribed that  looked forward to the perfect sacrifice  of Christ on the cross. But we, in the  new dispensation of the Church, are  saved under the New Covenant. Christ  is the Lamb of God who shed His blood  to take away the sins of the world. His  shed blood is the basis of the New  Covenant.  

All through Christ’s ministry on  earth He preached about the future  Kingdom of God over which he will  reign and at the end of His ministry  He indicated certain signs that would  occur before the Kingdom was  established; there must be a period  of Great Tribulation in fulfilment of  Daniel’s prophecy (Dan.9:24-27) and  

Immediately after the tribulation  of those days shall the sun be  darkened, and the moon shall not  give her light, and the stars shall  fall from heaven, and the powers of  the heavens shall be shaken: And  then shall appear the sign of the  Son of man in heaven: … and they  shall see the Son of man coming  in the clouds of heaven with power  and great glory” (Matt.24:29-30). 

When Christ returns at the end of the  Tribulation He will find a repentant nation  of Israel waiting for His return. Christ will  make a new covenant with them and will  reign as King of kings for 1,000 years  before the earth is renovated by fire and  there is a new heavens and new earth  for eternity. There is no doubt Christ  taught Dispensational truth:  

  1. He came in Israel’s Age of Law; 
  2. He foretold the Church Age when  one flock would replace the fold of  Israel.  
  3. The Church Age would end with the  Global disappearance of individuals  (the Rapture) that will be a sign to Israel  that the Day of the Lord; the Great  Tribulation, had come. 
  4. Immediately after the Tribulation  Jesus will return and establish the  Kingdom of God on earth for 1,000  years after which there will be a new  heavens and earth for all eternity!  (1Cor.15:24).


BY John Ecob

John Ecob