World Population Explosion – Can It be Sustained?

THERE IS NO DOUBT that there is a  population explosion occurring and  this has sounded alarm bells among  the elite of this world. So much so  that some of these self-proclaimed  experts have taken action to curb the  population growth rate.  As far back as 1980 the...

Israel’s Triumph in the Tribulation

DURING THE TRIBULATION when the  nations are seeking to wipe the Jews off  the face of the earth we find Scripture  states that the Jewish believers will  be anything but depressed. We might  expect that their suffering would drive  them to dispair but on the...

The Family of God

THERE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE between  believers in the Old Testament and  believers in the New Testament. Both  are called “saints” but Old Testament  saints were saved under the Old  Covenant that God made with Israel  on Mount Sinai. New Testament saints  are saved...

Total Depravity

Calvinists and Catholics have a  common view on original sin but there  is a difference. Catholics believe  that the guilt of Adam is removed at  baptism and that man has a free will  whereas Calvinists believe that original  sin persists after baptism of infants ...

The Cost of Compromise

“Now Jehoshaphat had riches and  honor in abundance, and joined  affinity with Ahab” (2Chron.18:1).  Ahab was the son of Omri who reigned  over the northern ten tribes of Israel that  separated from Judah when Rehoboam  was king in Judah. Rehoboam was the  son of...