Most Wonderful Day of My Life

Charles Francis Adams was a political figure and diplomat who kept a diary of what he did with his time. One entry in his diary read, “Went fishing with my son today…a day wasted”. His son Brook Adams also kept a diary and on the very same day Brook Adams wrote in his...

My Hiding Place

Corrie Ten Boom was the author of a book after WWII, called The Hiding Place. In the Second World War, Corrie and her sister Betsie were sent to a Notorious Concentration Camp where they endured terrible conditions. Amidst sickness, sorrow and death Corrie and her...

He Will Come for Me

A Father and his two young children were swimming in the Atlantic when the tide began to take them out to sea. The Father decided to get his son to the land and told his daughter Mary that he was going to shore for help. The father said “If you get tired, turn on your...

The Journey of a Son

Wuan Ballestero was living off the coast of Portugal when the Coronavirus lockdown went into effect. Wuan wanted to visit his 90-year-old Father who lived in Argentina but traveling by plane was not an option for him. Instead of waiting out the pandemic in the...

Mary’s Greatest Need!

Mary’s greatest need was the same need that all of humanity has and that is SALVATION. Mary needed a Saviour and so does each human being. In Luke chapter 1 Mary, who was a young Jewish girl was visited by the angel Gabriel and the Angel informed her that she had...

The Rapture Tract 2020

The Herald of Hope has released a new tract by Vince Wall in their latest December magazine. The tract is designed to inform non Christians about the coming RAPTURE. The tract is now available to be sent out to Churches and individuals who may wish to warn others of...