SA Prophecy Conference Schedule Released

Details for the annual South Australia Prophecy Conference have been released! Herald of Hope committee members Peter Jackson and Eric Rees will be in South Australia from 1st May through to 6th May and speaking at various locations across Adelaide.   Location ...

The Gospel of the Kingdom

John R. Ecob DD To rightly divide the Word of Truth one must recognize the dispensations of Law and Grace. The Age of Law finished in Acts chapter 1 and the Age of the Church began in Acts chapter 2. The Church age will finish when the Church is Raptured and the 70th...


Leila James was born in 1929. At the age of four Leila was taken by her parents to the Barcaldine Railway Station in outback Queensland. Her mother got on the train and her father left Leila on the station platform but unfortunately that was the last time she ever saw...

Joy to the World

The hymn, “Joy to the World” has an interesting history. It was written by Isaac Watts and the music for the Carol was written by the famous composer George Frederick Handel who wrote “Handel’s Messiah”. Isaac Watts, the author of Joy to the World was born in 1674....