
John Ecob

“And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, when he
will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh,
they may open unto him immediately” (Luke 12:36).

Just watch and wait the Saviour said
So many years ago;
And saints have watched have worked and read
Of signs they did not know.

The years have passed in many lands
Where the Gospel has been sown;
Men preached alone or in small bands
Christ did for sin atone.

The hope that Christ would come one day
was always in their heart;
They ploughed, they sowed, and looked alway
for the day they would depart.

But years roll by and trials increase
The light of truth burns low;
The scoffers mock and speak of peace;
The Truth they do not know.

But troubled times lie straight ahead
The day is drawing near;
The Bride of Christ will soon be wed
And men on earth will fear.

A Beast of fame will rule this world,
His mark on every hand;
To buy or sell whatever worth
The wise shall understand.

The Jew is now back in the land
And dwells secure with nukes in store;
A Roman prince will take a stand
To make them safer – even more.

With Temple built and priests to serve,
The Jews will have it made.
But they must get what they deserve;
Their hopes of peace will fade.

Until they call upon the Lord
They nailed upon a tree;
And only then can they afford
To claim the victory.

And so we watch and wait and work
To see the Lord we love.
The signs are clear tho’ dangers lurk;
Our Saviour’s coming from above!