False Doctrine
Total Depravity
Calvinists and Catholics have a common view on original sin but there is a difference. Catholics believe that the guilt of Adam is removed at baptism and that man has a free will whereas Calvinists believe that original sin persists after baptism of infants ...
It’s Time to Run from Rome
The April Herald of Hope Magazine will soon be arriving in subscribers letterboxes. This month Vince Wall has written an interesting article on the corrupt practices of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s Time, to Run from Rome. And I heard another voice from heaven,...
False Prophets
by John R Ecob DD The difference between a false prophet and a false teacher is that a false teacher wrongly interprets the Bible but a false prophet claims to have new direct revelation from God. Throughout the centuries there have been men who have changed the...
Origen’s Replacement Theology
by John R Ecob DD I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9). Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are...
Replacement and Remnant Theology
by John R. Ecob DD The relationship between Israel and the Church is fundamental to a right understanding of Scripture and there are two major errors. Replacement Theology Replacement Theology is Christendom’s dominant...
Is Francis the Last Pope?
by John R Ecob DD There has been much speculation as to whether Pope Francis will be the last Pope. We constantly hear the matter raised and reference is made to prophecies of an Irish Bishop, Malachy, who lived in the...