
Biblical Subjects



DISPENSATIONALISTS teach that  God’s administration of mankind  changed at various periods of time  since the world began: that there are  seven dispensations and that before  Jesus died and rose again the world  was administered by God through the  nation of Israel in the Age of Law which  began when Israel came out of Egypt  about 1500BC.

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THE NATION of Israel began its long  history in the land of Egypt where they  were made slaves of Pharaoh. After  215 years in Egypt God sent Moses  to deliver them and when Pharaoh  refused to let them go God judged  the land of Egypt. No other nation  had seen such judgments devastate  a nation as had happened to Egypt  compelling them to let Israel go. 

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THE SALVATION of the souls of men and women is central to the whole purpose and plan of God. In the foreknowledge of God the plan was devised to provide a way back to God after Adam sinned and death was passed upon all men as  a consequence. 

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Covetousness is the last of the Ten Commandments and might be considered by  many to be one of the minor sins, not to be compared with the worship of idols,  murder or adultry yet the Bible states that  “whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all” (James2:10). 

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The Peril of Spiritualizing Scripture

The Peril of Spiritualizing Scripture

WHEN WE READ a book we endeavour to understand what the author intended by the words he uses and the manner in which he expresses them. In this way we learn the message the author sought to convey.

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What Happened at Calvary?

What Happened at Calvary?

“And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left” (Luke23:33)

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Life Wasn’t Meant to be Easy

Life Wasn’t Meant to be Easy

WHEN AN AUSTRALIAN POLITICIAN  coined the phrase, Life wasn’t meant  to be easy, I suspect David stood up in  heaven and shouted, Amen and Amen! 

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The Theme of  Isaiah’s Prophecy

The Theme of Isaiah’s Prophecy

ISAIAH PROPHESIED in the reigns of  Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah,  kings of Judah.  Chapters 1 to 6 were written during the  period when Uzziah and Jotham jointly  reigned. Uzziah was a leper during the  closing years of his reign and his son  Jotham reigned as co-regent. 

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Sennacherib Should Have Known!

Sennacherib Should Have Known!

WHEN SENNACHERIB THE KING OF ASSYRIA came against Jerusalem he boasted that the Lord God of Israel could not deliver the city from his army. He listed many cities he had already conquered and said that their gods had not been able to deliver the city from his army

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The Family of God

The Family of God

THERE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE between  believers in the Old Testament and  believers in the New Testament. Both  are called “saints” but Old Testament  saints were saved under the Old  Covenant that God made with Israel  on Mount Sinai. New Testament saints ...

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The Cost of Compromise

The Cost of Compromise

“Now Jehoshaphat had riches and  honor in abundance, and joined  affinity with Ahab” (2Chron.18:1).  Ahab was the son of Omri who reigned  over the northern ten tribes of Israel that  separated from Judah when Rehoboam  was king in Judah. Rehoboam was the ...

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Who Was David’s Mother?

Who Was David’s Mother?

by John R Ecob DD What did David mean when he said in his great prayer of confession that “in sin did my mother conceive me”? If you ask the Catholic he may say that it refers to the doctrine of original sin: that every one of us has original sin such that...

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