

Who are the Palestinians?

Who are the Palestinians?

ANTISEMITISM will always bring  judgment. It has been so ever since  Abram and his seed were chosen by God  to be His witness to the Truth on earth. 

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Those Days Shall Be Shortened

Those Days Shall Be Shortened

by John R Ecob DD How do we explain the words of Jesus when He said, For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:...

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Who are the Elect?

Who are the Elect?

  Question Who are the Elect? Answer Some teach that God predestinates Christians to be saved, and unless a person is one of the elect he cannot be saved. Isn’t it true that God foreknows who will believe, rather...

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Is Jesus the King of the Church?

Is Jesus the King of the Church?

Question Is Jesus the King of the Church? Answer Some Churches teach that Christ is the King of the Church and many modern choruses refer to the Church as a kingdom with Christ as our King. Is this Scriptural? Is this...

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Did the Church Start at Pentecost?

Did the Church Start at Pentecost?

Question Did the Church Start at Pentecost?Answer Some teach that the Church did not begin until Acts 13 when the Gospel was preached to the Gentiles, and that baptism for believers was only a Jewish rite. Water Baptism...

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Is it the Coming or the  Canon?

Is it the Coming or the Canon?

“When that which is perfect is come...” Is it the Coming or the Canon? John Farr Question In 1 Corinthians 13:10, we read that knowledge and prophecy are done away when “that which is perfect is come”. Is this the...

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How Long was Israel in Egypt?

How Long was Israel in Egypt?

Question Some people say that Israel was 430 years in the land of Egypt and others say it was 215 years. Why the difference? Answer When the children of Israel came out of Egypt it was, exactly to the day, 430 years...

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Should Christian’s Drink Alcohol?

Should Christian’s Drink Alcohol?

Question: Some Church members have no conscience about drinking intoxicating liquor. Is total abstinence Biblical or is social drinking permissible? Answer: Our rule of conduct must be the Word of God alone, and Scripture is abundantly clear that alcoholic…

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Do Babies go to Heaven?

Do Babies go to Heaven?

  Question If a person has to believe in Christ to go to heaven, what happens to babies that die, either when aborted or when too young to believe in Christ? Answer What Jesus Taught The words of the Lord Jesus...

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Will David Reign Again?

Will David Reign Again?

  Question Scripture is quite clear that Jesus Christ, the son of David, will reign on the throne of David in the Millennial Kingdom, but will David also reign? Answer There is no doubt in the minds of...

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Who are the ten horns in Revelation?

Who are the ten horns in Revelation?

Question The Book of the Revelation chapter 17 describes a harlot woman named “MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS”, who is seen riding a beast which has “seven heads and ten horns”. This is not the only...

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Is there a second chance after death?

Is there a second chance after death?

Question Do 1 Peter 4:6 and 1 Peter 3:19 teach that Christ went to hell after He died and that unsaved people have a second chance after death? For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that...

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Does a day equal a year in bible prophecy?

Does a day equal a year in bible prophecy?

Question Many people teach that in bible prophecy a day equals a year. I am aware that the Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses do. What authority is there in Scripture for this method of interpretation?  ...

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Will the Earth be destroyed?

Will the Earth be destroyed?

Question If the earth is going to be burned with fire according to 2 Peter 3:7-13, why does the Bible say that “the earth abideth for ever” (Ecclesiastes 1:4)? Answer Perhaps we should take the opportunity to look at the...

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Who are the 24 Elders in Revelation 4:4?

Who are the 24 Elders in Revelation 4:4?

Question When John foresaw his rapture into heaven in Revelation chapter 4, he saw four beasts (angelic living creatures) and 24 elders on thrones before the throne of God. Who are the 24 elders?   Answer The Bible...

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When Will Christ Return?

When Will Christ Return?

Question When will Christ return? Answer Predictions of the time of Christ’s return have been made by various cults and each prediction has proven wrong. The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) movement began with a prediction...

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