

Articles on Bible Prophecy and other Biblical topics will be prepared from time to time.
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Was Gabriel Premillennial?

Was Gabriel Premillennial?

At Christmas time pastors often turn to Luke Chapter 1 for their Christmas sermon. In Luke chapter 1 we read that the angel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to the “Son of the Highest” who would be named JESUS (Luke 1:26-31)....

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Great Cities that Perished: The Testimony of the Six Cities

Great Cities that Perished: The Testimony of the Six Cities

The ruins at the city of Tyre in modern day Lebanon.   About the year 2010 a father asked me to speak to his son who was having difficulty believing that there was a God. My answer was very simple. The Bible. The Bible claims to be the words of the Living God and...

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The Day of the LORD: Zechariah Chapters 12-14

The Day of the LORD: Zechariah Chapters 12-14

The Book of Zechariah was written after the return of the Jews from 70 years captivity in Babylon. Zerubbabel began to rebuild the Temple in 536BC and it was finished 20 years later. Haggai and Zechariah were prophets who encouraged the workers to finish the task of...

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Theologians Unexcited About The Coming Of Jesus

Theologians Unexcited About The Coming Of Jesus

When I read about the first coming of Jesus I see the apathy of the religious leaders to the arrival of their Messiah.  Men who knew the Scriptures were not living in anticipation of the Saviour coming to earth. In Matthew Chapter 2 when the Wise men came to Herod in...

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God’s Perspective on Time.

God’s Perspective on Time.

by Pastor Buddy Smith We are often slaves to the clock, rushing here and there, fretting if we are late for an appointment, planning to get a week’s work done in a day. And setting no time aside for devotions. The director of a large prison ministry told the following...

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The Inspiration of the Bible

The Inspiration of the Bible

The Bible is a unique book. It is the oldest book ever written. Nothing comes even near the Bible for antiquity. The records kept and retained in the pages of the Bible go back 6000 years whereas the oldest religious book from pagan religions date to only about 800 BC...

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Who Built Nineveh?

Who Built Nineveh?

by John Ecob Nimrod...the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech...in the land of Shinar. Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, and Resen (Genesis 10:8-12). Modern versions state that Nimrod built Nineveh but...

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Old Age Deficiency

Old Age Deficiency

It’s about time authorities did something about older drivers on our roads. For far too long older drivers have caused havoc as they hog the left lane, stick to speed limits (even the road work limits) and stop at stop signs, causing great inconvenience and often...

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Married to God – Israel and the Church

Married to God – Israel and the Church

by John R Ecob It is important to understand what the Christian’s relationship is with God and also the relationship that God has with Jews and Gentiles. God is a Triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and there are specific relationships for Jews, Gentiles and the...

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The Laodicean Church – Materially Rich but Spiritually Poor

The Laodicean Church – Materially Rich but Spiritually Poor

In chapters two and three of the book of Revelation, John recorded seven unique letters to seven Churches in Asia Minor. ....What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and...

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Farmers Missing Worldwide

Farmers Missing Worldwide

Today many Australian farmers are missing something which is vital to their property’s viability. That which is missing, is of course, water. Water is absolutely necessary for every farming enterprise. In the future though, something else will be missing from...

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